> 春节2024 > 过年开车回家会怎么样英语



露西,该回家了 - ZOL问答

露西,该回家了。Lucy, it\'s time to go home.


\"What\'s wrong with your leg?\" \"I fell off my bicycle yesterday.\"


他们开车回家。They go home by car. 你经常开小汽车吗?Do you often drive a car?


开车的英文是drive a car。参考例句:I go for a cruise with a friend. 和朋友开车兜风。He is accused of driving recklessly. 他被指控开车不谨慎。


她一听到这个消息就开车回家。On hearing the news she drove home.

天色已晚了,我的叔叔也喝醉了,便开车回家,朋友问他能行吗?... - ZOL问答

天色已晚了,我的叔叔也喝醉了,便开车回家。朋友问他能行吗?My uncle attended a gathering at his friend\'s house. It was late at night and my uncle was drunk. Nevertheless, he decided to drive home. His friend asked him if he was capable of driving in that state.


入门级的表达是They go/went home by car.进阶的口语表达是They drive/drove home.前者是动词的原形,后者则是过去式。根据句子的时态选择适当的表达方式。


开车的英文表达方式有:drive a car, drove a car, driving a car, driven a car, drives a car。根据语境选择适当的时态。如果没有明确的时间参照,可以将\"a\"换成\"the\"。

开车去玩的英文2种表达方式? - ZOL问答

1. \"Drive to have fun\" - 这个短语强调开车作为到达目的地的手段。

在我去上班的路上,我赶上了堵车。在到达机场之前给我打个电话。 - ZOL问答

在去上班的路上,我赶上了堵车。On the way to work, I encountered traffic congestion.在到达机场之前给我打个电话。Can you drive me to the airport?我一到那就给你打电话。As soon as I arrive, I will give you a call.

behind the wheel是什么意思?开车的意思吗? - 沪江网校知识库

behind the wheel意思是在驾驶;掌舵;主管。例如:\"With you behind the wheel, I never get scared.\"(有你坐在驾驶座开车,我从不会害怕)白领工作者。